Belgian Youngsters in the USA (2019-’20)
Much like each season we at TIB will again pay close attention to our Belgian youngsters who have chosen and have gotten the opportunity to join a college/prep school in the USA.
With the start of the season over there closing in it’s about time to give you a general overview of who will be playing where. Later on we’ll discuss each of these youngsters more in-depth.
If you know of anyone who isn’t included in this overview (or if you see a mistake) don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments so we can add him to our ‘to-follow’-list or correct any mistakes we’ve made.
– Andy van Vliet (William & Mary, NCAA)
– Romain Boxus (Hartford, NCAA)
– Benjamin Bosmans-Verdonk (Illinois, NCAA)
– Ayoub Nouhi (Texas-Arlington, NCAA)
– Gilles Dekoninck (UTEP, NCAA)
– Noel Coleman (San Diego, NCAA)
– Sam Hofman (Detroit Mercy, NCAA)
– Toumani Camara (Georgia, NCAA)
– Steven Verplancken Jr. (Glenville State College, NCAA2)
– David Bea Mulumba (Concord University, NCAA2)
– Owen Soontjens (University of Adelphi, NCAA2)
– Darnell Snyers (North Georgia, NCAA2)
– Arnaud Philippart (Oklahoma Panhandle State, NAIA)
– Willem Vermylen (Johnson & Wales (FL), NAIA)
– Rikkert de Maertelaere (Simpson University, NAIA)
– Nicolas Dierynck (Central Maine Community College, NJCAA)
– Omar Thielemans (South Plains College, NJCAA)
– Alan Kikwaki (Iowa Lakes, NJCAA)
– Micky JP (Kings Academy, Prep)
– Reumang Emagna (Impact Basketball / Elevation Prep)
– Mel Miak (Lincoln Prep, Canada)
– …?